
Ezbot auto queue
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(Baron, catch a couple of their team out of place, knock down the other inhibitor.) That Vayne never did get caught even when I waded into the whole enemy team to knock her head off (thanks, Guardian Angel!). I took the last two bottom towers and their bottom inhibitor with Nunu's help, and it was pretty much mop-up from there. I kinda derped around a bit before we did a face-off in the middle while our creeps pushed top. A little bit later I took their first Nexus turret while they were fighting my team. It's almost like they didn't want their inhibitor-I mean, Teemo teleported in, but come on, it's Teemo. I think they got a couple of kills but the enemy Vayne murdered them all. A bit later, when dragon respawned, my team contested it. I took their second turret on the top lane and smacked the inhibitor one a couple of times. Sadly, a dragon fight went poorly and their whole team pushed down our two middle turrets. I'd farmed up ~320 on Siphoning Strike by the 24 min mark. I popped ult + Wither + Exhaust and he vanished. Teemo decided around level 8 or 9 to put a stop to that.

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Picked up Philo's and boots on an early trip back while Nunu held the lane, then just kept farming. Thanks to a couple of excellent ganks by our Nunu and the almost complete lack of interference by their Fiddlesticks (he tried to gank once and Nunu came up and we murdered Teemo instead), I farmed all day. He harassed me early, but I had Regrowth and just took minions under the tower when necessary. Well, based on our team comp we needed someone top and I figured hey, take the big dog out. Actually, I haven't been playing much at all lately (World of Warcraft), so I was kind of in a funk.

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